
Skills to Achieve (Marketing)

Learn to conduct market research, identify trends, analyze competition, and understand the needs of the target audience.

Acquire knowledge on the importance of branding and how to develop an effective positioning strategy to stand out in the market.

Learn to identify relevant market segments and define the appropriate target audience for marketing actions.

Develop skills in using digital tools to promote and position a brand on online platforms, including SEO strategies, social media, email marketing, and more.

Foster the ability to generate creative ideas for the development of innovative and effective marketing campaigns.

Learn to create and execute marketing plans, set objectives, define strategies, and control budgets and results.

Know the tools and techniques to measure and evaluate the impact of marketing actions, and use that data to optimize strategies.

Acquire knowledge on online reputation management, crisis handling, and creating relevant content for different social media platforms.

Develop skills to build and maintain strong relationships with customers through strategies such as content marketing and customer experience management.

Promote ethical and responsible conduct in marketing, respecting consumer privacy and rights, and avoiding deceptive or manipulative practices.


Opiniones de Nuestra Comunidad

El curso de superación personal ha sido una experiencia transformadora para mí. Desde el primer día, los instructores me brindaron herramientas valiosas y me ayudaron a descubrir mi verdadero potencial. Cada sesión fue inspiradora y motivadora, y ahora me siento más seguro y capaz de alcanzar mis metas.

Alexan Micelito

Gerente en Motora

Participar en el curso de superación personal cambió mi vida. Aprendí a manejar el estrés, a mejorar mi autoestima y a establecer objetivos claros y alcanzables. La comunidad de apoyo y el conocimiento compartido por los facilitadores fueron fundamentales para mi crecimiento.

David Thompson

Director en Gram

Course Syllabus (Marketing)

  • Definition and concept of marketing
  • Evolution and trends in marketing
  • Importance of marketing in the success of a company
  • Market research methods and techniques
  • Competitor analysis
  • Identification of opportunities and market segmentation
  • Development of the value proposition
  • Brand positioning
  • Definition of the marketing mix elements: product, price, distribution, and promotion
  • Creation of a strategic marketing plan
  • Design of SMART objectives
  • Marketing planning and budgeting
  • Digital marketing strategies: SEO, SEM, social media, email marketing, etc.
  • Creation and management of relevant content
  • Web analytics and result measurement
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Loyalty and customer retention strategies
  • Creating added value and customer service
  • Integrated marketing communication strategies
  • Traditional and digital media
  • Design and execution of advertising campaigns
  • Adaptation and localization of marketing strategies
  • Cultural and legal considerations in international marketing
  • Expansion and penetration of foreign markets

  • KPIs (key performance indicators) in marketing
  • Marketing analytics and data-driven decision making
  • Continuous improvement and optimization of marketing strategies

Dates – Schedules – Costs (Marketing)

From October 2 to 6 and from October 9 to 13, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM (CST)

Cost: USD $2,990.00



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Do you have questions or want to collaborate? Feel free to contact me, I am here to connect and work together for positive change.